We’ve added a new weekly watchlist summary report, to make it simple to get a weekly summary of the positions on your watchlists, and where they all stand relative to when you started looking at it. If you take a look at watchlist management page, you’ll see the positions for your current watchlist. Below that, you’ll see the add/remove symbols panel where you can add a new position and initialize your trade-to targets.
What do the emails look like?
If you’ve taken the time to set trade to targets for the items on your watchlists, you’ll receive a summary for where those positions stand relative to the trade to targets… similar to the below:
I got the target summary report – now what?
If you find yourself with positions either above, between targets, etc. it means it’s time to go through and review each position, and either adjust your targets, or reassess the position. The watchlist target summary report is part of our mission to give you a workflow to keep you on track in your analysis.
Using the above example, you’ll see that KELYA is trading above my targets. I had target 1 set to 23.64, and target 2 set to 28.39.
With the price sitting around 30, in this case for me it means I need to go back and review the chart and see if any new patterns have formed that justify a new target, and it also serves as a reminder to go in and adjust my stop.
We’re currently working on a notifications for hitting trade-to-targets.
More on that coming soon.