In order to ship the idea generator feature, the first thing we needed to do was capture the output of our screening process. From there, we could apply our work flows and start generating signals based on what we were finding in the database. In other words, once we had all of the idea generator work finished, exposing the screen history was just a manner of assembling the view and making it available in the user interface for a given day.
Are historic screens useful to you?
It probably depends on your workflow, but it’s certainly useful to me. First of all, most of the screening tools I’ve used don’t allow you to go back in time and look at screen results for a given day. Many don’t even offer a way to export the results of your screens into a spreadsheet, or something for you to work with.
What we’ve built addresses both of those needs… we’re capturing closing results for several of our favorite screens, and enabling you to navigate back in time to a given date. We’re also exposing the data in each of those screens for easy export into a variety of file types (e.g. Excel, SQL, TXT, CSV, XML, JSON).