Moving to IEX for price data

We just completed moving over to IEX for all of our pricing data at Earnings Reminder.  This includes both the interactive price data exposed in the UI, as well as the back-end periodic price refreshes that occur on things like the idea generator.

What’s IEX in their own words?

IEX is a fair, simple and transparent stock exchange dedicated to investor protection.

What’s does this mean to you?

First and foremost, IEX is an objectively more reliable source of price data – both from an availability standpoint, as well as a data quality standpoint.  For example, in testing we haven’t experienced any outages since we began working with it, and the price data that comes back is no longer delayed like it was with the previous data source.  The reliability also makes sense, since the IEX API is built on the the platform they use to run the exchange (uptime is measured at 99.981% as of this writing).  Latency is also much improved, and it simply feels much faster.  Additionally, the IEX API also let’s us add some features into the site that we previously didn’t consider due to the volume and reliability of the the other data sources.  At a minimum, you can expect to see fields that once showed “recent” price data, with periodically refreshed price data.

What to look for?

We’ll update you as new features and capabilities are introduced.  In the mean time, please be sure to let us know if you experience anything unexpected, particularly as it relates to price data.  All of the testing we’ve done so far looks good, but if you notice anything unexpected – don’t hesitate.





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