Updates to the Idea Generator

For those of you using the idea generator, I wanted to let you know that we’ve archived the August – December, 2017 data and are starting new with January 1, 2018.  The purpose behind this is entirely related to keeping the interface as clean and manageable, and easily sortable as possible without having to make significant changes to the way the interface works, or how we update pricing.  There have been no changes to the algorithm, so for the foreseeable future any look-backs will be apples-to-apples comparisons.

None of this changes the year-ending data, which you can check out in the 2017 in review post.

(For those of you interested in the stock picks flagged by the generator in 2017, I have a spreadsheet you can download,  which is complete through 11/30 and captures pricing as-of 12/4If anyone really wants the December data, I can post that as well – it’s just raw and not in spreadsheet form).


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